/* Copyright (c) 2004 GPL mmc Mike Chirico mchirico@users.sourceforge.net http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/cpearls/sqlite_examples.tar.gz?download Updated: Tue Sep 21 11:47:21 EDT 2004 Compile: gcc -o eatblob eatblob.c -lsqlite3 Usage: You can interactively execute the following (arrows ">" represent the output from the program) $ ./eatblob test3.db test.png create table test (a varchar(50), b blob); >Total Changes 0 insert into test (a,b) values ('test',?); >Total Changes 1 select a,b from test; >IN BLOB bytes 5552 >test >Total Changes 1 ^D Or, put all the sql commands in the file "sqlcommands", ';' delimited so that you have the following: $ cat sqlcommands create table blobtest (des varchar(80),b blob); insert into blobtest (des,b) values ('A test file: test.png',?); select * from blobtest; Then, run eatblob as follows: $ ./eatblob test3.db test.png < sqlcommands Or, do everything on the command prompt $ ./eatblob test3.db test.png "create table blobtest (des varchar(80),b blob);" $ ./eatblob test3.db test.png "insert into blobtest (des,b) values ('A test file: test.png',?);" Thanks to Steven R. <stevenr@columbus.rr.com> for fixing the addmem routine. This program should match the documentation at http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/readme_sqlite_tutorial.html */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sqlite3.h> #define STMLEN 1024 extern int errno; #define MULT_START 16384 #define MULT_INCREMENT 2 #define INIT_SIZE 1024 long memindx = MULT_START; long memnext; ssize_t mygetline(char **lineptr, size_t * n, FILE * stream) { ssize_t mread; char *line = NULL; char *head = NULL; line = *lineptr; if ((mread = getline(&line, n, stream)) > 0) { head = line; line = line + mread - 1; if (head[0] == '\n') { *lineptr = head; return mread; } if (head[0] == '.' && head[1] == 'q') { return -1; } if (head[0] == '.' && head[1] == 'e') { return -1; } if (strcspn(head, ";") < (size_t) mread) { *lineptr = head; return mread; } if ((mread = getdelim(&line, n, ';', stream)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in mygetline getdelm \n"); } } *lineptr = head; return mread; } long addmem(char **buf, long size) { memnext = (size > 0) ? size + memindx : INIT_SIZE; memindx = memindx * MULT_INCREMENT; char *tbuf = realloc(*buf, memnext); if (tbuf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate memory in addmem\n"); return size; } else { *buf = tbuf; return memnext; } } int print_col(sqlite3_stmt * pTableInfo, int col) { int fd; static int ct = 0; char outfile[50]; switch (sqlite3_column_type(pTableInfo, col)) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: printf("%d ", sqlite3_column_int(pTableInfo, col)); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: printf("%f ", sqlite3_column_double(pTableInfo, col)); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: printf("%s ", sqlite3_column_text(pTableInfo, col)); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: //printf("%s",sqlite3_column_blob(pTableInfo, col)); /* fprintf(stderr, "IN BLOB bytes %d\n", sqlite3_column_bytes(pTableInfo, col)); */ snprintf(outfile, 20, "outdata.%d.png", ct++); if ((fd = open(outfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open data: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } write(fd, sqlite3_column_blob(pTableInfo, col), sqlite3_column_bytes(pTableInfo, col)); close(fd); break; case SQLITE_NULL: printf("Null "); break; default: printf(" *Cannot determine SQLITE TYPE* col=%d ", col); } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { sqlite3 *db; sqlite3_stmt *plineInfo = 0; char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; ssize_t mread; int fd, n; long buflen = 0, totread = 0; char *buf = NULL, *pbuf = NULL; // char *zErrMsg = 0; int rc, i; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <DATABASE> <BINARYFILE> < sqlcommands \n\n" "Or, the following:\n\n" " $%s test3.db test.png \n" " eatblob:0> create table blobtest (des varchar(80), b blob);\n" " eatblob:0> insert into blobtest (des,b) values ('A test file: test.png',?);\n" " eatblob:1> select * from blobtest;\n" " A test file: test.png\n" " eatblob:1>\n\n" " Note output.0.png will contain a copy of test.png\n\n" "Or, do everything on the command prompt:\n\n" " $ ./eatblob test3.db test.png \"create table blobtest (des varchar(80),b blob);\"\n" " $ ./eatblob test3.db test.png \"insert into blobtest (des,b) values ('A test file: test.png',?);\"\n" "\n\n", argv[0], argv[0]); exit(1); } if (sqlite3_open(argv[1], &db) != SQLITE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open database: \n"); sqlite3_close(db); exit(1); } if ((fd = open(argv[2], O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open data: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } while (buflen - totread - 1 < 1024) buflen = addmem(&buf, buflen); pbuf = buf; totread = 0; while ((n = read(fd, pbuf, 1024)) > 0) { totread += n; pbuf[n] = '\0'; // This is for printing test while (buflen - totread - 1 < 1024) buflen = addmem(&buf, buflen); pbuf = &buf[totread]; } close(fd); if (argc == 4) { rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, argv[3], -1, &plineInfo, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK && plineInfo != NULL) { //fprintf(stderr, "SQLITE_OK\n"); sqlite3_bind_blob(plineInfo, 1, buf, totread, free); while ((rc = sqlite3_step(plineInfo)) == SQLITE_ROW) { // for (i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(plineInfo); ++i) print_col(plineInfo, i); printf("\n"); } rc = sqlite3_finalize(plineInfo); } fprintf(stderr, "eatblob:%d> ", sqlite3_total_changes(db)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "eatblob:0> "); while ((mread = mygetline(&line, &len, stdin)) > 0) { rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, line, -1, &plineInfo, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK && plineInfo != NULL) { //fprintf(stderr, "SQLITE_OK\n"); sqlite3_bind_blob(plineInfo, 1, buf, totread, free); while ((rc = sqlite3_step(plineInfo)) == SQLITE_ROW) { // for (i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count (plineInfo); ++i) print_col(plineInfo, i); printf("\n"); } rc = sqlite3_finalize(plineInfo); } fprintf(stderr, "eatblob:%d> ", sqlite3_total_changes(db)); } /* end of while */ } if (line) { free(line); } sqlite3_close(db); return 0; } /* LocalWords: sql */
Linux System Admin Tips: There are over 200 Linux tips and tricks in this article. That is over 100 pages covering everything from NTP, setting up 2 IP address on one NIC, sharing directories among several users, putting running jobs in the background, find out who is doing what on your system by examining open sockets and the ps command, how to watch a file, how to prevent even root from deleting a file, tape commands, setting up cron jobs, using rsync, using screen conveniently with emacs, how to kill every process for a user, security tips and a lot more. These tip grow weekly. The above link will download the text version for easy grep searching. There is also an html version here.
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SQLite Tutorial : This article explores the power and simplicity of sqlite3, first by starting with common commands and triggers, then the attach statement with the union operation is introduced in a way that allows multiple tables, in separate databases, to be combined as one virtual table, without the overhead of copying or moving data. Next, the simple sign function and the amazingly powerful trick of using this function in SQL select statements to solve complex queries with a single pass through the data is demonstrated, after making a brief mathematical case for how the sign function defines the absolute value and IF conditions.
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Virtual Filesystem: Building A Linux Filesystem From An Ordinary File. You can take a disk file, format it as ext2, ext3, or reiser filesystem and then mount it, just like a physical drive. Yes, it then possible to read and write files to this newly mounted device. You can also copy the complete filesystem, since it is just a file, to another computer. If security is an issue, read on. This article will show you how to encrypt the filesystem, and mount it with ACL (Access Control Lists), which give you rights beyond the traditional read (r) write (w) and execute (x) for the 3 user groups file, owner and other.
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Mike Chirico, a father of triplets (all girls) lives outside of
Philadelphia, PA, USA. He has worked with Linux since 1996, has a Masters
in Computer Science and Mathematics from Villanova University, and has
worked in computer-related jobs from Wall Street to the University of
Pennsylvania. His hero is Paul Erdos, a brilliant number theorist who was
known for his open collaboration with others.
Mike's notes page is souptonuts. For
open source consulting needs, please send an email to
mchirico@gmail.com. All consulting work must include a donation to